A home security system is an invaluable addition to your home that provides short-term and long-term benefits. Your home is your sanctuary; it’s where your kids will grow and where you keep all of your prized possessions. It should be a safe place where you can relax and get away from the outside world. Unfortunately, there are dangerous people out there waiting to take advantage of homeowners each day. Listed below are the top 3 reasons you should install a home security system in your home.

Prevent Crime

Studies reveal that installing a home security system is an effective way to keep burglars out. According to Alarm System Report, each year and, on average, a burglary of a home in the U.S. occurs every 13 seconds-or about four burglaries a minute, 240 an hour, and nearly 6,000 a day. Homeowners and renters need to consider this alarming statistic and think about whether their home is prepared for a break in. Even with the large amount of break ins that occur in the United States, only 14% of homes have an alarm system to protect them. Also, homes without a security system are three times more likely to broken into than homes with a security system in place.

Smoke and Fire Detection

The U.S. Fire Administration states that, “A home fire alarm system is usually part of a total security system providing burglary protection in addition to fire protection. Such a system supervises doors, windows, and spaces within the home for break-in and may provide monitoring services by dialing your telephone to report a fire or intrusion to a security office, where it will be reported to your local police or fire department.”

While anti-burglary measures are a high priority, a fire can be just as devastating to your home and loved ones. Fire departments respond to over 300,000 home fires each year in the United States. If a fire occurs, it can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home and endanger your family. Accidents can happen, and it’s best to prepared in case a fire starts in your home.

Save Money in the Long Run

The exact costs of installing and owning a home security system differ between companies. Think of a home security system as a preventative product that will save your family a substantial amount of money if someone burglarizes your home or a fire occurs. A study performed by the FBI in 2005 revealed the average burglary will result in $1,725 in losses and, depending on the area, a home can have a 25 percent chance of being burglarized each year. Therefore, a homeowner has a 1 in 4 chance of losing around $1,725 a year from a burglary. When comparing the cost of a burglary to the cost of a home security system, the answer is simple. A home security system is a financial investment that can save you thousands of dollars.